ABCD Project

Disruption: The integration of entrepreneurial education in technology-based university curricula, coupled with a deeptech start-up support program and the creation of a deep tech ecosystem assessment tool to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans.

“ABCD” Alliance for Boundary Crossing in Deeptechproject aims to instil entrepreneurial education in technology-based university curricula. We are co-designing and delivering a deeptech start-up support program and creating a deep tech ecosystem assessment tool.

The ABCD Project aims to be a leading platform for innovation and deep tech entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans. It will foster an entrepreneurial mindset and support deep tech start-ups to thrive globally through effective collaboration with stakeholders and the local innovation ecosystem. By 2030, the Project aims to strengthen project management, promote capacity building, provide incubation services, establish strong connections with the local innovation ecosystem, and disseminate results effectively. The Project defined five specific objectives to achieve this vision, in line with the HEI Initiative Call 3.

ABCD consortium consists of several universities and incubators from the Western Balkans and beyond, where DisruptiveHUB partners with:

  • Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) (Lead partner) Hungary,
  • Polytechnic University of Tirana (UPT) Albania,
  • Business Accelerator UKIM (BAU) North Macedonia,
  • EPICENTAR – Centar za edukaciju, preduzetnistvo i inovacije (EPIC) Serbia,
  • BothofUS (BOUS) Sweden,
  • University of Sarajevo (UNSA) Bosnia & Herzogovina,
  • University American College Skopje (UACS), North Macedonia,
  • Belgrad Metropolitan University (BMU) Serbia,
  • DisruptiveHub (DH) Slovakia,
  • University of Motenegro (UoM) Montenegro,
  • Verlab Institute Bosnia & Herzogovina,
  • Innovation Center Kosovo, Kosovo

More info here:

ABCD Project


Sponsor: EIT Climate-KIC