ABOUT Disruptive hub

DISRUPTIVEhub is a consultancy group improving the quality of life in urban areas. We support and connect different players across the spectrum with an aim to boosting digitization and building an innovation-driven community.

We strive to be a leading hub for the areas of Energy, Mobility, Smart City, ICT, Life balance in Central and East Europe while working closely with startups, enterprises, research & development, and education organizations, investors, and public & government institutions. 

DISRUPTIVEhub is focusing on the transfer of technologies and launching of new products on the market, with a special focus on cooperation with universities in Slovakia (TUKE, STU, and UNIZA) and organizing accelerator and incubation activities for PowerHUB Network in Slovakia, Poland, Baltic States, and East Europe. DISRUPTIVEhub is part of the PowerHUB Group Network.


DISRUPTIVEhub provides wide range of services to all key innovation players.



R&D institutions


Public bodies

Contact us


DISRUPTIVEhub has besides supporting external startups with their business development its own inhouse projects.


A modern platform that contributes to the security of public space. 


An interactive platform for effective public involvement in town and village planning. 

Distribution system for crisis management

A distribution platform that enables effective, fast, and reliable decision-making in
crisis situations. 

Evaluating system UM7

An evaluation management platform. 

get in touch

Can we help you? Ping us and get the free consultation.